Friday, 19 February 2016

Term 4! 19th February

How wonderful to see all of you back after half term; what a week we have had being introduced to our new topics and changes around school.

Opening hymn

10,000 reasons Matt Redman

Opening prayer

Sorry prayer
For not treating or not standing up for what we know is not right
Lord we are sorry

For being selfish and not putting other first
Lord we are sorry

For not listening to others
Lord we are sorry

For not trying our be and living life to the full
Lord we are sorry

Outside of school activities
Jasper (Y4) has two certificates for completing stage five swimming and for completing his 25 meters. Amber (Y3) and Hazel (Y6) went to UWE and participated in a science day, had a day a Bristol Zoo completing activities and getting their passports to learning signed.  

Kindness awards:
Cherida (Y6)
Toshia (Y4)
Alicjia (Reception)

Stars and Rainbows:

Reception - Dawid, Shay, Tegan, Alecia, Tahia, Deepan, Ruby, Adrian, Vayah, Poppy, Myia, Shrivatsa, Adrian, Ruby and Anna

Year 1 -  Kamilly, Liam, Kevins, Chloe, Bradley, Lucia, Daniel, Gabriel, Victoria

Year 2 - Faith, Izzy, Ruben and Willow

Year 3 -  Cayden, Sandra S, Niko, Finn, Nepoh, Holly, Yinghao, Olivia, Lily, Jayden, Jessica, Louis, Maks

Year 4 - Evie-Jean, Tosia, Josh, Jasper, Chole, Niamh, Yanyu, Evie and Daniella

Year 5 - Joel, Nathanael, Gianni, Keira, Marianna, Molly, Ken, Faith, Olvier and Megan

Year 6 - Luba, Aisling, Chris, Destiny, Eve, Harvey, Lily, Orlagh, Phil, Poppy, Thaddeus and Yanran.

Maths awards

35 Amber
Jayden (Y3)
Kianna (Y1)
Gabriel ( Y1)
Chloe ( Y1)
Oliver (Y1)
Lucia ( Y1)
Keean ( Y1)
Daniel ( Y1)

95 Ruby
Sandra S (Y3)

House points

This weeks winner are:

1st place St Bernadete with 189
2nd place St Therese with 172
3rd place St  Christoper with 140
4th place St Francis with 118


1st place St Therese with 3043
2nd place St Bernadete with 2998
3rd place St Christoper with 2967
4th place St Francis with 2609

House Captain message from Aisling (St Bernadette) and Poppy (St Christopher)

Next week we are having a book sale and the next week we are having a toy sale, so if you could bring in any books and toys you no longer want we would be grateful. All money raised will be donated to CAFOD.

Reception- Hattie
Year 1 - Joshua
Year 2 - Nathan
Year 3 - Maks
Year 4 - Indi
Year 5 - Keira
Year 6- Hallie


Reception - Poppy
Year 1- Chloe
Year 2 - Mikey
Year 3- Cayden
Year 4 - Evie C
Year 5 - Reg
Year 6 - Orlagh

Overall our attendance is: 95.1%

Reception - 85%
Year 1 - 95%
Year 2- 97.5%
Year 3 - 97.9%
Year 4- 95%
Year 5 - 98.2%
Year 6 - 98.5%

Closing prayer

At the end of the day we come to say, 
Thank you for your love today.
Thank you for my family and all my friends you give to me.
Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light.

Closing hymn
My lighthouse

All that is left for me to say is have a happy and safe weekend and I look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday at 8:55am.

Mrs J Kingston

Friday, 5 February 2016

End of Term 3, 5th February

What a busy term we have all had, I would like to say a big thank you for the support this term. The children have enjoyed their new experiences from watching Tim Peakes in space to forest school; science discovery afternoon to numbers day and from their class book to their work the children have had a positive term.

Opening hymn

10,000 reasons by Matt Redman

Opening prayer

Asking Jesus to look after us and help us to be good citizens. In the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit 

Outside of school activities
Hattiesburg has received her stage 1 award. Yarn took her grade 5 singing exam and she passed with merits and also did her grade 3 piano and passed with merits. 

Stars and Rainbows:

Reception - Domenica, Tahia, Alicja, Shay, Shrivatsa, Vayah, Ben, Chinonso, Mikey, Yasmin and Hattie

Year 1 - Bradley, Fred, Ruby, Kianna, Kevins, Riyaz, Tymon and Oli

Year 2 - Amie, Evie, Izzy, Joe, Keeley, Otylia, Sofia, Vince, Leo, Filip and Palaksh

Year 3 - Tylor, Zekhi, Niko, Timothy, Maeve, Ga'Bor, Ryan, Holly, Layla, Minnie, Molly and Olivia

Year 4 - Evie-Jean, Yanyu, Shadrack, Elena, JJ, Chloe, Jasper, Aniqa, Luca, Keil, Amber, Christine and Igor

Year 5 - Joel, Reg, Gianni, Elsie, Freya, Kripali, Bella, Oliver, Molly, Ken, Marianna and Lily

Year 6 - Chris, Orlagh, Yanran, Mae-Lei, Harvey, Eve, Hallie, Hazel, Adriana and Aisling

Number Day

A big thank you to Mrs Eke for organising number day, how amazing did the children look in there costumes? It was great to see children understanding that numbers can be fun and how they relate to many things in life.

Maths awards

35 Amber
Ga'Bor (Y3)
Holly (Y3)

75 sapphire
Myla (Y3)
Jessica (Y3)

95 Ruby
Niko (Y3)
Timothy (Y3)

House points

This weeks winner are:

1st place St Therese with 201
2nd place St Christoper with 200
3rd place St Bernadete with 193
4th place St Francis with 166


1st place St Christoper with 2872
2nd place St Therese with 2871
3rd place St Bernadete with 2809
4th place St Francis with 2491


Reception- Anna
Year 1 - Angelina 
Year 2 - Trinity
Year 3 - Layla 
Year 4 - Harrison 
Year 5 - Joel
Year 6- Destiny


Reception - Keira 
Year 1- Billy
Year 2 - Bessy
Year 3- Timothy
Year 4 - Declan
Year 5 - Elsie
Year 6 - Chris

Overall our attendance is:  95.1%

Reception - 94.7%
Year 1 - 92.9%
Year 2- 92.5%
Year 3 - 95.7%
Year 4 97.9%
Year 5 95.9%
Year 6 - 96.7%

Attendance certificates for a renewed effort


Year 3

Year 5

Closing prayer

At the end of the day we come to say, 
Thank you for your love today.
Thank you for my family and all my friends you give to me.
Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light.

Closing hymn
My lighthouse 

All that remains for me to say is please have a safe and happy half term and we all look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 15th February at 8:55 for more exciting learning in term 4.

Thank you

Mrs J Kingston

Lenten Reconciliation Service

A big thank you to Ms McGreal and The Chaplaincy Team for organising the service today, please engage with the display in the foyer and join us on our journey through Lent.

Opening hymn:
Oh Lord hear my prayer

Our second hymn: It's me:
It's me, it's me
It's Holy Cross
Standing in the need of prayer
It's me, it's me
It's Holy Cross
Standing in the need of prayer

Closing hymn:
10000 reasons by Matt Redman

Display in the foyer:

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Number Day Wednesday 3rd February 2016

What a fantastic day filled with numbers - wonderful fancy dress and amazing thinking/ problem solving tasks throughout the day. As a school we raised £108.15 and have given this money to the NSPCC. Well done to all those who came dressed in numbers and thank you to those who donated. 


Mrs Eke decided that today would be a great time to challenge all teachers to complete the 35 club challenge, they had three minutes to answer their classes questions. However, they were allowed help from their class, Ms Killa answered all her questions with 1 minute 22 seconds to spare!

Costume winners
Year 1 - Ned
Year 2 - Palaksh
Year 3 - Maks
Year 4 - Jasper
Year 5 - Megan
Year 6 - Evie

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Talking to Tim Peakes

 What a wonderful experience all of Holy Cross experienced today! They had the opportunity to watch a live chat with Tim Peakes, who is the first Bristish astronaut in space. This was a great opportunity and we thank Miss Ormsby for signing us up and sorting out today. I can't wait to see the work that comes out of today.